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Signage Design | What Many Fail To Consider

Signage design is an important element of any design process. If you’re seeking signage design inspiration, there are multiple considerations; one of the most integral regarding how human minds work. Human psychology is built-in and has an archetypal element. If this sounds complex, it is. In layman’s terms, certain aspects of signage design will stand out and be more memorable than others owing to how the brain works. To help give you an idea, consider the loud flashing lights of Las Vegas.

Why are such visually “loud” displays so attractive? Is it the hidden promise of riches, or is there something more? There’s a lot to recommend regarding digital signage design. Your designs should be eye catching, as visual concentration produces effective signage. If you’re strapped for resources, you can get a lot of the same effect with digital signage displays by simply incorporating text and images into your displays.

Example of Modern Geometric Design

Budget and psychology  are important elements of digital signage. Psychology should be incorporated into your signage design if you’re going to have the greatest natural effect on the viewer. After all, you are visually communicating with your audience. Accordingly, in this writing we’ll cover a few key details of psychology as it relates to such signage design:

  • Color Contrasts When Appropriate
  • Hierarchy And Readability 
  • Digital Signage Offers Distinct Advantages

Color Contrasts When Appropriate

You’re either reading white text on a dark background or dark text on a white background right now. This is contrast. As a general rule of thumb, to get plenty of contrast, a light color goes over a dark background. Ever read something a teenager printed off with bright colors on a clashing neon background? That’s almost painful to look at, isn’t it? The flashy colors or nice, but you’d rather have something easy to read over a black background. Selecting the right background colors are important as it affects the text’s legibility.

The higher the contrast, the more visible something is. So regardless of your color scheme in signage design, you want strong contrast which emphasizes your primary message first and foremost. Many digital options are red text on a black background, and that’s a strong contrast. There are “white” or “yellow” options as well that can be quite visible.

Color contrast between text and background

Hierarchy And Readability

Hierarchy is what it sounds like. You want to have key messages specified as the top lines of text regarding whatever signage you’re commissioning; not unreadable bricks of text. So, for example, if you were doing an outdoor cookout at a car dealership, you might have “FREE HOT DOGS!” at the top of a sign, below that in smaller text you might have “with free sign-up” so that customers put their email into your lead-generation system.

The main simple message at the top draws people in, pieces of information beneath that provide clarification. Text contrasted with a different background helps make associated hierarchy readable. Differing fonts and typefaces will also have more or less effectiveness. Bad fonts reduce a text’s legibility, good fonts expand it.

Professionals can help you get the balance right so it’s most amenable to the eye. The golden ratio is often applied in width, height, and text considerations for non-digital options, which instead rely on motion. If you ever wondered why books, paintings, business cards, computer screens, televisions, and tablets have a certain shape, the golden ratio is often the reason.

Digital Signage Offers Distinct Advantages

In terms of psychological impact, it’s worth your while to choose digital options for your company’s signage. Consider this: when you’re contemplating digital signage design, will a “static” billboard catch your eye more than moving text? It turns out, scientifically, you are four times as likely to notice a digital sign that moves than you are to notice one that doesn’t. That’s a 400% increase.

When dealing with digital signage, you can use the internet to relay results of necessary business functions in real time. You’ve got flexibility, versatility, and customization defining such signage options; all of which can play on the human psyche naturally. Top-tier digital signage can also incorporate graphic design options. Plus, it’s less expensive to buy a digital signage option once and change it as necessary, than it is to keep buying new billboards or smaller signs. There’s more efficiency, you’re conserving resources, and you’re engaging customers more directly. Collaterally, digital signage can be used like bulletin boards at internal facilities, also providing solutions that are more cost-effective–though realistically, this will depend on the size of your business.

Digital Signage Design Elements Illustrated

That said, imagine the psychology of a bank’s sign which includes the time of day, the temperature, and pertinent daily information. You may drive down that road specifically to see what the sign says because you want to know how cold or hot it is outside. This is increased engagement, and that can lead to brand loyalty. Also, in terms of sales or marketing, such options which directly engage customers can be invaluable. You’re advertising continuously.

Maximizing Signage Design Impact Through Psychology

Psychologically speaking, the right color combination, contrast, hierarchy, and effective use of motion directly impact those viewing messages on signs. Digital signage is king in this area of outreach. To learn more about signage design or content design, and the benefits of best signage designs as regard digital signage and other key options, contact us.

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